![]() 12/04/2014 at 15:55 • Filed to: guitarlopnik | ![]() | ![]() |
A week or so ago there were some mentions in a post or two about guitars so it got me thinking about Oppo and how I don't think in my time here I've seen anything about what kinds of guitars and gear everyone has. So, tell me guys and gals, what guitars are we all rocking? Here is what's left of my collection:
lefty Fender American Strat I decided to age myself before I knew how
Fender Clapton 'Blackie' Strat
PRS Custom 22
custom aged Gibson Les Paul Standard
Taylor '04 Spring Limited 914ce-L1
And here they all are together
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I have an Epiphone G-400 Goth, that I painted a Fallout inspired googie art-ish theme on because nothx on the Goth bit. I've rewired it for three pickups (HSS) that can be connected in various ways and made my own trem tailpiece. I really need to get a picture of that thing handy on my phone...
I also have a Yamaha Guitalele and a Squier Classic Vibe 50s P-bass in Lake Placid Blue.
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Nice choices. I particularly like the LP Blue.
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I need an actual bass amp at some point, I've been playing it through my Mustang II amp.
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I don't have pictures of my entire collection, but here is some of it.
Pictured left to right is my Dean DB Razorback (with killswitch!), PRS SE Custom 24, and Ibanez Soundgear bass.
Here is my Schecter Damien Elite 8-string. Super fun when I'm in a deathly metal mood. Not pictured is an Epiphone dreadnought, Fender Stratacoustic, and a Favilla nylon string that I bought for $80 at a pawn shop and learned to play on. I run a Line 6 Spider Jam for most gigs for the additional mic input, but have an Orange Tiny Terror through a 4x12 if I need more oomph.
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no pictures with me at the moment, but:
Epiphone Thunderbird
Fender P- bass (not Squire but a cheapo Fender one)
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I'm a bass guy, and play a Rickenbacker thru an Ampeg head going into a 4x10 and a 1x15 cabinet. No pedals or effects of any kind, there's nothing you can really do to improve the natural sound of this setup.
Bass looks like this:
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I really like that color and inlay on the Schecter, nice choice. That Orange Tiny Terror through a 4x12 is a bit more oomph isn't it??
I absolutely love my PRS such a well balanced feel.
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I haven't played seriously in about 5 years, but I'm trying to change that now that I've got a bit more free time. Bought Rocksmith 2014 a few months ago just to try to force myself to play. Highly recommend it by the way.
I've got an Epiphone 1966 Edition SG, with the full pickguard. It's a Korean model as well, supposedly better than the newer Chinese ones. Amp is a Bugera V5, replaced the tubes and added a bright switch. Nice little practice combo, fills up the basement with sound. Eventually I want to install Seymour Duncan's P-Rails and a push/pull system to get all the different sounds out.
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Nice! I love that PRS. Here are a few of my instruments:
1990s Strat, first guitar I ever got. 2009 Epi Les Paul Standard Plus Top.
I play them through a Line6 Spider III and IV.
I also like to bang on these: 1998 Pearl Export Series with a round of Zildjian Avedis, A's, and Z's. If you look closely you'll notice the awesome asbestos tile and wood veneer of our ugly basement.
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4003 glow finish
Rick + Ampeg... nice.
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I at one point had an Epi G-300 (I think was the model). I replaced the pickups with '57 Classic PAF's and thought about a push/pull system but decided against it. I am thinking about some push/pull pots for the Les Paul.
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Haha I've never had an opportunity to turn it all the way up. That thing is a BEAST for it's size (and price). I had to wait months to get the Schecter in that color. Sadly, these potato pics don't do justice to the finish on any of the guitars pictured.
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That is a beauty and I know your sound through that setup is just smooth smooth smooth.
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My G400 SG is a Korean one, but I didn't care for the electrics, so I changed them. I went for two humbucker case P90s and a PAF style humbucker (added a new slot a la a Studio). I can run the P90s in parallel or series and switch either off, and I have a coil tap on the humbucker.
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I like your choices, any cookie stickers or painted on cookies on them??
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The Les Paul would definitely be a good candidate for the push/pulls, it could make a decent tribute to Jimmy Page's Number Two:
#2 was the one that he installed all of the push/pull and coil splitting stuff on.
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soooon :]
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Sounds like an awesome setup. The draw of the P-rails for me is versatility, I just jam at home so it'd be nice to grab a bunch of different sounds out of one guitar.
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Great idea for a post, love the Les Pau
I've got an Epiphone AJ acoustic (picture isn't mine, similar though):
This cheapo Classical I bought used and was planning to take to Europe with me:
And my favorite, an Ibanez Artcore (the exact model escapes me at the moment and it's across the Atlantic):
Also pictured is my ho-hum Marshall Valvestate amp that I picked up for peanuts at a used gear shop.
When I'm doing serious recording I have a decent condenser mic and a Focusrite iTrack solo audio interface that I run into Logic Pro on my Mac. Only started with guitar a couple years ago, and am tragically separated from all of them for the next few months.
Sorry for all the potato pics.
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That's what I was shooting for, mostly. I can have kind of a greasy Tele single single coil thing going on, three singles in parallel with one reverse a la Strat, two humbuckers one of which is GIGANTOR (doubled singles a la Brian May), and so on.
The only trouble is, because Mahogany Slab, that everything is still much darker than it needs to be. Also, my capacitance cut a la Neil young doesn't really do much.
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Those are good looking acoustics. I love that Ibanez, for some reason I've never had a Jazz guitar but I've had my eye on some over the years. I also have a little 30 Watt Valvestate amp, nothing special but it's fine for just fiddling around at home.
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That was my inspiration for getting the LP to begin with, and why it's aged the way it is. I bought the Grovers secondhand (they're off an early 60's LP), I removed the pickup cover and I just wanted the Bigsby. Also why I'm considering the push/pulls on the LP, I wanted a Page LP but wanted to have my own version one, not the Custom Shop one. If that makes any sense.
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Sweet collection. I think i acheived brutality by simply looking at that Dimebag guitar....
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I like your taste sir, I like your taste.
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Makes perfect sense, I'd have done it the same way. I'd much rather build my own guitar to a certain spec rather than buy a *Famous Player* Edition already done up by the factory.
And FWIW Page is probably my favorite guitarist.
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It was a disease for a while. I've bought most for really cheap off craigslist and fixed them up. Like that acoustic in the first row I bought for $2.50. Some of these are on permeant loan from family too.
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'77 Gibson Ripper, looks just like this one:
Martin Backpacker:
And a cheapo garage sale special Olympia acoustic, I don't even know what model it is. My amp is a little Hollinger practice unit.
I'm really a drummer & can't really play geetar, but the bass was my dad's, and I like screwing around on them.
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I've never played a Backpacker, what are your thoughts on it?
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It's a lot of fun for what it is, but I find it hard to play when sitting because the body is so small, you can't really rest it on your leg as you would a full-body guitar. It's really light, and packs easily in a soft case. Good sound though, I mean it's a Martin so you wouldn't expect otherwise.
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I maintain that everyone needs at least one crazy metal guitar. I used to have a regular Dean ML, but I sold it to get the DB.
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What's that Ibanez at the front there? That's a really interesting looking shape.
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Damn. Super jealous of that PRS.
From Left to Right:
-2009 Gibson SG Special. My second guitar. I probably play this one most.
-Jackson Kelly KE3. Bought this on Ebay and gave it to my grandfather. His hobby is woodcarving, as you can see. He wanted to give a guitar for my 16th B-Day, so I gave this to him and let him what he wanted. The woodwork is astounding. It is a great showpiece, and a phenomenal guitar.
A small sample of the woodworking.
-Another Jackson Kelly, this one a standard model. Bought this as a project from a garage sale. Fitted it with a Shark Tooth Inlay neck a while ago. I'm thinking about taking it apart again.
![]() 12/04/2014 at 19:39 |
Your grandfathers work is incredibly. What a great gift! I like the inlay on the second Kelly. What would you do it next?
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That's pretty much what I thought. The shape and size of the body making it difficult to play sitting down. I imagine it's a good traveler though and of course solid sound.
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Yeah, I was pretty amazed when he gave it to me. I couldn't really be any happier with it. And cool! I'm glad. The rest of the guitar really isn't anything special. I honestly couldn't tell you what I would want to do to it. That is yet to determined lol.
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It an Ibanez RVX220. When I got it, it was covered in stickers and someone had sanded the thing to bare wood and colored it and all the chrome in with a red sharpie. I cleaned it up and decided I liked the look of natural wood highlights so I didn't repaint it.
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I saw the Ibanez and was smitten from the start. After I played it I immediately left to go withdraw the cash necessary to take it home. Come to find out they're fairly well–respected guitars, and I felt a bit ridiculous taking it to "Intro to Jazz Guitar" Class last semester. Felt like a virgin autocrosser showing up in a race–prepped car. Sounds smooth as silk though.
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Red sharpie? That's really weird.
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Yeah... I got it reaaaaaaally cheap. Other than where the previous owner sanded through to the main wood (not the cap), it looks and plays pretty well now.
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That Les Paul looks stellar! I am a Gibson man myself...
My standard setup was a Gibson Les Paul 50's Tribute and Fender Road Worn Tele played straight through a Marshall Class 5.
Then I went and picked up my two dream guitars, a Gibson ES-335 in sunburst with split coil P90s a bit over a year ago, and then just a few weeks ago I finally saved up for a J45.
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That 335 is something special. I've always been a fan of the Fender Relic and Road Worn series. They do such a great job with the look and feel of those. I think a Tele is in my future. Congrats on the new addition as well!
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They really are well-respected. A lot of people don't give them the praise they deserve because it's not a regular house hold name, so to speak. I've played a few over the years though and have always been happy with them.
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That's fun part though, just like in cars, when you get that itch to do a little work but haven't figured out what it is you'll be doing.
![]() 12/08/2014 at 17:41 |
Do you play Djent on that 8 string????
![]() 12/08/2014 at 19:08 |
Haha that pickups only work well when it's acoustic or super overdrive, so that's basically a requirement.